Visegrad Grants for Civil Society Development and Arts & Culture

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Visual highlighting regional partnership and collaboration, featuring icons for culture, education, innovation, democracy, and regional development. Map of the Visegrad region in the background. Promotes the Visegrad Grants program for fostering cooperation among NGOs, public institutions, and other entities.

The International Visegrad Fund is now accepting proposals for the Visegrad Grants. This program supports regional partnerships among NGOs, civil society organizations, public institutions, municipalities, private companies, nonprofit organizations, and education and research centers in the Visegrad region. The grants aim to foster cooperation and address various regional challenges.

Focus Areas

To qualify for Visegrad Grants, projects must address one of the following focus areas:

  • Culture and Common Identity: Projects creating and presenting common audiovisual, literary, and contemporary art products; reflecting on cultural heritage and diversity; fostering cooperation through cultural activities.
  • Education and Capacity Building: Strengthening professional networks, supporting student and educator mobility, and improving skills through educational methods.
  • Innovation, R&D, Entrepreneurship: Building business networks, tackling economic challenges, and supporting innovation and research.
  • Democratic Values and the Media: Promoting citizen participation, transparency, media literacy, and improved media coverage in the V4 region.
  • Public Policy and Institutional Partnership: Connecting expert communities to address policy challenges and promote good governance.
  • Regional Development, Environment, and Tourism: Offering solutions for climate change, sustainable tourism, and local development.
  • Social Development: Promoting inclusivity, intergenerational dialogue, and a healthy lifestyle.

Funding Information

Grant amounts are not specified, but the maximum duration for project implementation is 18 months.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants include:

  • Non-governmental entities from any country meeting the partnership criteria.
  • CSOs, public institutions, municipalities, and local governments, as well as innovation and startup-related companies with non-profit projects.
  • Research or higher education institutions must specify the smallest organizational unit managing the project.

Ineligibility Criteria

Ineligible applicants include:

  • Institutions under direct state administration (e.g., ministries, government agencies, state-owned companies).
  • Natural persons (individual citizens).
  • Private entrepreneurs with or without a legal entity.

Application Details

For more information and to apply, visit the International Visegrad Fund website.

Application Deadline: October 1, 2024


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