Deadline Date
August 31, 2024
Donor Name
Val Wood
Grant Size
Less than $1000
Val Wood Prize for Creative Writing 2024
Entries are now being accepted for The Val Wood Prize for Creative Writing 2024. The theme is "Letters to My Love." Whether it's a heartfelt letter to a significant other, an expression of unspoken feelings, or a unique voice, we invite you to explore the theme.
What You Will Get:
- The winner will receive £100 and a signed copy of a Val Wood book (title TBC). The winning entry will be published on Val Wood’s website and shared via social media.
- Two additional prizes will be awarded, with winners receiving signed books upon release in Winter 2024.
What We Are Looking For:
- Authenticity and Emotion: Convey genuine emotion and deep connection. Your entry should be heartfelt and resonate with the reader, capturing the essence of love in all its forms.
- Creativity and Originality: Submit original and imaginative work. Surprise us with your unique perspective, innovative narrative style, or unexpected twist.
- Strong Writing and Structure: Well-crafted entries with clear structure and coherent flow are valued. Ensure attention to grammar, punctuation, and overall readability.
- Diverse Perspectives: Reflect diverse backgrounds, cultures, and types of relationships. Celebrate the rich tapestry of love stories.
- Engagement and Impact: Engage the reader from the first sentence and leave a lasting impression. Your story should move and resonate with the reader.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Entries are not limited to romance or love and can cover any genre as long as it is not unnecessarily violent or gruesome.
- Open to anyone over 16 years of age.
- Open to anyone worldwide.
- Entries must adhere to an overall word count of 1500.
- Entries should be typed on blank sheets in black font, using Arial or Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing. No background images or patterns are allowed.
- Poetry will not be considered for the prize.
- The competition is contact-free and eco-friendly. All entries must be submitted by email.
For more information, visit Val Wood.