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Theater - French Speaking Projects

A French-language theatrical production in Ontario, featuring actors on stage with dramatic lighting and set design. The image captures the energy and creativity involved in the development and presentation of French-language dramatic works, highlighting the artistic exploration and performance elements.

Submissions are now open for the Ontario Arts Council program to support the creation, exploration, development, production, and presentation of French-language dramatic works in Ontario.




The program primarily supports:

  • Projects that promote the development of a personal artistic approach or one specific to the organization or group.
  • Projects that encourage the advancement and development of Francophone theatrical practice in Ontario.


The program has three categories:

  • Creation/Exploration: Projects involving artistic research, initial exploration, or development of a dramatic concept or project; projects focusing on the early stages of the conception of a new play, including writing and creative workshops; and projects involving public presentations of this exploration. Projects in this category do not necessarily require a public presentation.
  • Development: Projects that are at an advanced stage of development and approaching production. Projects in the Development category must include some form of accessible presentation or workshop, either by invitation or open to the public.
  • Production: Projects involving the preparation and presentation of a single theatrical production. The grant contributes to artistic, technical, administrative, production, and marketing/promotion costs. Co-productions are eligible, but applicants must include the co-production agreement or letter of agreement.

Funding Information

  • Creation/Exploration: Maximum $5,000
  • Development: Maximum $15,000
  • Production: Maximum $20,000

Eligibility Criteria

  • Professional theatre artists who reside in Ontario.
  • Ad hoc groups and non-profit theatre collectives composed of professional theatre artists, with at least 50% of the members residing in Ontario.
  • Not-for-profit organizations headquartered in Ontario that produce professional theatre.

Ineligibility Criteria

  • Colleges, universities, and municipalities.
  • Organizations receiving an operating grant from one of the French-speaking arts programs or any other operating grant not mandated to serve priority groups of the CAO.

For More Information

For more details and to apply, visit the Ontario Arts Council Theater - French Speaking Projects page.


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