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Stiftelsen Fritt Ord Announces Norwegian Journalism Program

The Norwegian Journalism Foundation invites journalists, editors, and editorial teams to apply for project grants. The call is open to all topics and content aimed at the general public using various publishing platforms.

The call for Norwegian Journalism is thematically completely open for journalists, editors, and editorial teams who can freely design their application projects in terms of topic selection and content.




The foundation's aim is to help enable projects that can become important in the social debate and for as many citizens as possible.

Eligibility Criteria

The projects must have the general public as the target group. Applicants can use any publishing platform and can preferably be multimedia. All free, editor-managed publications with Norwegian media users as the target group can apply. Applicants can be newsrooms or individuals, but all support must be used by named individuals. They are open to new forms of collaboration between several newsrooms, journalistic environments, and freelancers with a publishing agreement are particularly welcome as applicants.

They want to support as much as possible the specific work with content to be published, and support to a lesser extent operating costs, technical development projects, internal skills development, and the purchase of equipment.

For more information, visit Stiftelsen Fritt Ord.


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