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South Asia Regional Energy Partnership Fund Program 2024

Professionals engaged in clean energy projects across South Asia, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. The image highlights the development of renewable energy technologies, cross-border electricity trade, and modern utility infrastructure supported by the SAREP initiative.

The South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) is a flagship energy initiative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) mission to India. This five-year program (2021-2026) aims to enhance access to affordable, secure, reliable, and sustainable energy across six South Asian countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

Program Objectives

SAREP focuses on several key objectives to drive systems change and advance clean energy:

  • Enhanced Regional Energy Markets: Develop regional power markets, improve cross-border electricity trade, and integrate regional grids for energy security.
  • Advanced Energy Solutions: Accelerate the deployment of clean energy technologies, including renewable energy, energy storage, and electric vehicles.
  • Modern Utilities: Modernize utilities to improve performance, grid resilience, and customer service, supporting clean energy transition.
  • Transparent Procurement and Investment: Increase private sector investments, enhance procurement processes, and promote best-value practices.

Expected Outcomes

SAREP aims to achieve significant results by the end of the program:

  • Leverage $7 billion in power infrastructure investment.
  • Deploy 5000 MW of clean energy.
  • Save over 435 GWh through energy efficiency.
  • Facilitate 4 TWh of cross-border energy trade.
  • Strengthen the capacity of over 10,000 professionals and technicians.

Funding Information

SAREP offers various grant types:

  • Fixed Amount Awards (FAAs): Up to $250,000 for non-U.S. organizations and U.S. organizations.
  • Simplified Cost-Reimbursement Grants (SIG): Up to $250,000 for non-U.S. organizations and U.S. organizations.
  • Standard Cost-Reimbursement Grants (STGs): Up to $500,000 for non-U.S. organizations and up to $250,000 for U.S. organizations.
  • In-Kind Grants: Up to $500,000.

Eligible Activities

The SAREP Partnership Fund supports activities such as:

  • Pilot demonstrations and incubation support.
  • Feasibility studies, detailed project reports, and market assessments.
  • Policy advocacy and knowledge management.
  • Developing innovative business models and financial transactions for clean energy.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants include:

  • Private sector entities, not-for-profit organizations, NGOs, educational institutions, and research entities.
  • Applicants must be legally authorized to operate in the countries where grant activities will take place.
  • Grantees must have no conflicts of interest that could affect project impartiality.

Ineligibility Criteria

The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Government or quasi-government entities.
  • Entities with a history of misusing U.S. Government funds.
  • Political parties or organizations promoting illegal activities.

Apply for Funding

For more details and to apply, visit the SAREP Partnership Fund Program website.

Donor Name: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Grant Size: $100,000 to $500,000

Publish Date: 10-Sept-2024

Deadline Date: 31-Oct-2024

Countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka

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