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Open Call for Hungarian-Israeli Scientific Research Program

Visual representation of the Hungarian-Israel scientific cooperation program, illustrating joint research efforts in healthy living, green transition, and digital technology, with a focus on collaboration between Hungarian and Israeli researchers

The Hungarian-Israel agreement on scientific cooperation, the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (NRDI), and the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology of the State of Israel (MOST) are pleased to invite researchers and scientists to submit joint proposals for research projects carried out by teams from both countries.

Program Objectives

This program aims to support the development of scientific and technological cooperation between Hungarian and Israeli researchers, strengthen bilateral research networks, enhance cooperation, and promote knowledge exchange.

Focus Areas

Joint proposals are invited for applied research projects in the following areas:

  • Healthy Living and Disease Prevention: Innovation in healthy living, improving quality of life in old age, and innovative diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.
  • Green Transition and Circular Economy: Agricultural innovation, water management, energy efficiency, clean energy, and sustainable mobility.
  • Digital Transition: Artificial intelligence, quantum technology, smart grids, and autonomous systems.

Funding Information

The maximum funding for each project is:

  • 568,000 ILS for the Israeli side (3-year period).
  • 142,000 Euros for the Hungarian side (3-year period).

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible projects must:

  • Be conducted by collaborating Hungarian and Israeli research teams.
  • Focus on one of the specified research areas and meet the required Technology Readiness Level (TRL2-4).
  • Be led by a Principal Investigator (PI) from each country, affiliated with an eligible academic or research institution.

In Israel, eligible institutions include accredited higher education institutions or research institutes. In Hungary, eligible institutions include state-recognized higher education institutions and research and knowledge transfer organizations.

Important Dates

  • Application Deadline: 6 November 2024

More Information

For additional details and to apply, visit the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology.

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