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ODA Global Innovation Fellowships - C40 (UK)

Announcement of the ODA Global Innovation Fellowships by The British Academy for UK-based researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences, aimed at fostering partnerships to address climate, health, and housing challenges in collaboration with C40.

Applications are now open for the Official Development Assistance (ODA) Global Innovation Fellowships to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions.



Through these fellowships, researchers in the SHAPE community will be supported to create new and deeper links beyond academia, so enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, as well as individual skills development.

The aim of the program is to have a mutually beneficial partnership between the fellowship award holder and C40, with each able to take advantage of fresh perspectives and expand their networks and reach. It will enable the award holder to strengthen and create new links across policy and academia, enabling knowledge mobilisation and translation, and the opportunity to develop new approaches and solutions to policy challenges through providing a different perspective.

This is the first call for this ODA strand of the programme, offering opportunities for ODA Global Innovation Fellowship award holders to embed themselves with C40, in their South Africa office. Applications that are not considered ODA-eligible will not be taken forward through the assessment process.

C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis. Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using an inclusive, science-based and collaborative approach to cut their fair share of emissions in half by 2030, help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C, and build healthy, equitable and resilient communities. C40 supports mayors to do this by:

  • Raising climate ambition through 1.5°C climate action plan support, high-impact accelerators and fostering innovation.
  • Building equitable and thriving communities via global and regional programmes.
  • Building a global movement through robust international advocacy and diplomacy.
  • Scaling up climate action and sharing best practices across high-impact sectors.
  • Facilitating access to finance for investment in green jobs and projects that improve resilience in cities.

Areas of Interest

Applications are invited in any of the following areas:

  • Cities, Climate & Housing: Buildings are responsible for on average 60% of emissions in cities – and in some cities up to 80%. This means that the transition away from fossil fuels and into renewable energy and green buildings solutions must be an essential part of all climate action.
  • Cities, Climate & Health: 99% of the world’s population lives in areas that exceed safe pollution limits. Breathing dirty air leads to premature death and disease, disproportionately impacting marginalised and vulnerable communities.
  • Cities and a Green & Just Transition: Ensuring the just transition to a decarbonised society whilst tackling climate change and biodiversity loss is key to ensuring progress towards more inclusive economies and a greener, healthier and more prosperous future.

Funding Information

The award will have a maximum award value of £150,000 on an 80% Full Economic Costing (FEC) basis.

80% FEC is understood in the following manner:

  • Directly incurred staff costs including PI and team salary and oncosts: 80%
  • Other Directly Incurred including travel, accommodation, top-up contribution, visas and consumables: 100%
  • Directly Allocated (including estates costs) and Indirect Costs: 80%

The grant awarded is expected to be used solely for the purposes specified in the application and agreed in the award-letter. The award is intended to be made on a full-time basis.

The Academy recognises that the upper limit on the contribution that the Academy’s funding can make to this award – £150,000 – might not be sufficient to cover all of the costs up to 80% of the Full Economic Cost value required. In those cases, an employing institution will be expected to make additional contributions to the overhead costs involved.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants must be ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom with a current long-term appointment that will continue for at least as long as the period of the award. You must be an early-career or mid-career researcher based at an institution in the UK (e.g., a Higher Education Institution [HEI] or Independent Research Organisation [IRO]), from disciplines within the Humanities and Social Sciences that is listed as an approving-organisation in the British Academy’s grant management system, Flexi-Grant.

Applicants might have expertise from a range of disciplinary, conceptual and methodological perspectives, including analytical, policy and practical perspectives.

This is an opportunity for award holders to form new collaborations and draw on the insights this brings to inform, influence and develop their future development. We seek open-mindedness, a willingness to explore new perspectives and to experiment with innovative approaches. You will have an appetite for working across academia, policy and practice, and will demonstrate a commitment to being genuinely challenge driven and dedicated to integrating the perspectives, needs and priorities of C40.

All applicants should strongly consider the potential for engagement between academic and non-academic environments and the value this would bring to their career and the value they can bring to the work and purpose of C40.

Applicants may not hold more than one British Academy award of a comparable nature at any one time.

For more information, visit The British Academy.


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