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Martin Roth-Initiative Program for Ukrainian Women Artists

A Japanese artist participating in a cultural event abroad, showcasing Japanese performing arts, such as music or dance, funded by the Japan Foundation to promote cultural exchange and contribute to international society.

The Martin Roth-Initiative invites 20 feminist women artists from Ukraine to participate in a residency designed to reflect on what it means to be a woman artist in Ukraine today. This program seeks to empower Ukrainian women artists through collaboration, intellectual dialogue, feminist discourse, and artistic exploration.

Program Features

  • Intellectual inspiration and exchange: Lectures, workshops, and discussions to deepen artistic exploration and feminist discourse.
  • Space for reflection, mutual support, and empowerment: On- and offline meetings for participants to share their experiences, tackle challenging questions, and develop new ideas for their artistic practices.
  • Final publication: Artists are encouraged to document their reflections and share them publicly through a joint project publication, contributing to the Ukrainian feminist and artistic discourse.
  • Stipend: Participants will receive a residency stipend, including funding for materials.

Eligibility Criteria

Applications are open to women artists who meet the following criteria:

  • Reside in Ukraine.
  • Have experience in artistic practice reflecting on social issues.
  • Are motivated and interested in feminist discourse and the project topics.
  • Have a good command of English.
  • Are committed to participating in all parts of the residency program.

Application Details

For more information and to apply, visit the Martin Roth-Initiative.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2024

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