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International Visegrad Fund Announces Strategic Grants Program 2024

Graphic for the International Visegrad Fund Strategic Grants Program, focusing on support for Ukraine, countering disinformation, and fostering collaboration between Visegrad countries."

The International Visegrad Fund is pleased to announce the Strategic Grants Program for 2024. This program supports projects that address the annual strategic priorities of the Visegrad Group.

Strategic Priorities

  • Supporting Ukraine and the EU Neighborhood: Assisting Ukrainian people in their struggle for independence and territorial integrity, and supporting societies in the Eastern Partnership and Western Balkan countries in their European integration processes.
  • Countering Disinformation and Misinformation: Raising awareness and improving societal resilience in the Visegrad, Eastern Partnership, and Western Balkan regions.
  • Promoting People-to-People Contacts: Bringing together civil societies from the Visegrad region and beyond.

Funding Information

Grants cover up to 100% of the project budget, including up to 15% for overheads.

Project Duration

The maximum duration of projects is 36 months, with a minimum of 12 months.

Eligibility Criteria

Any non-governmental, legal entity from any country can apply if they fulfill the partnership criteria. Eligible entities include:

  • Civil society organizations (CSOs)
  • Public educational, cultural, research, and scientific institutions
  • Municipalities and local governments
  • Market actors (e.g., companies) if their project is non-profit

Institutions must have full or partial independence from state administration and possess self-governance. Research or higher education institutions with several organizational units must indicate the smallest organizational unit responsible for the project’s implementation.

Ineligibility Criteria

Ineligible entities include:

  • Institutions directly under state administration (e.g., ministries, government agencies)
  • Natural persons (individual citizens)
  • Private entrepreneurs with or without a legal entity


  • Projects must develop meaningful cooperation and ensure active participation from organizations in all V4 countries.
  • Projects must clearly address one of the annual strategic priorities of the Visegrad Group.

Important Dates

  • Application Deadline: 1 October 2024

More Information

For more details and to apply, visit the International Visegrad Fund Strategic Grants Program page.

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