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Innovation Exchange Challenge: Innovation in Functionally Graded Materials (UK)

Industrial innovation with advanced metal manufacturing technology for defense applications.

BAE Systems is seeking innovative solutions to manufacture functionally graded materials (FGMs) with a continuously varying composition from one end to the other, using two or more materials. This challenge aims to improve the safety, availability, and performance of defence platforms while reducing material waste and manufacturing costs.

About BAE Systems

BAE Systems is a leading defence contractor with a global presence. The company focuses on manufacturing and maintaining defence platforms for its UK and international clients. BAE Systems is committed to enhancing platform safety, performance, and efficiency through advanced manufacturing techniques, including the use of functionally graded materials.

The Challenge

Current components are made from Super Austenitic Stainless Steel and Low Carbon Steel, welded together and then machined, leading to significant material waste and performance issues. BAE Systems is looking for technologies to manufacture a functionally graded material that seamlessly integrates at least two metals/alloys, such as Super Austenitic Stainless Steel and Low Carbon Steel. The goal is to improve the functional performance of safety-critical components and achieve material and manufacturing efficiencies.

Technologies of interest include:

  • Cold Metal Spray
  • Friction Stir Processing
  • Laser Powder Directed Energy Deposition
  • Hot Isostatic Pressing
  • Other similar technologies and solutions

Proposals should be at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6+ but TRL 3+ technologies are also considered. The technology must be ready for functional testing within 6 months and commercially deployable within a year.

Rewards and Market Opportunity

Successful applicants will have the opportunity to pitch their solutions to BAE Systems. Selected solutions may be trialled with the potential for widespread adoption across business lines, impacting hundreds of components. The benefits package includes:

  • £25,000 seed funding
  • Support from Innovate UK Business Connect
  • Assistance in developing a prototype or pilot
  • Technical support
  • Invitation to Innovate UK Business Connect events
  • Potential business collaboration

Eligibility Criteria

To apply, you must be a micro, small, or medium-sized enterprise (SME) with:

  • A grant funding request up to £25,000
  • A project duration of up to 3 months
  • Project work conducted in the UK
  • An intention to exploit the results in or from the UK

For More Information

For additional details and to apply, visit the Innovation Exchange Challenge page on the Innovate UK website.

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