Innovate UK is inviting applications from UK registered businesses for funding aimed at resolving productivity and competitiveness issues by working with top scientists and research facilities. This competition focuses on addressing existing analysis and measurement problems through innovative and cutting-edge science and facilities available in the UK.
Funding Information
There is no funding for stage 1 of this competition. If successful at stage 1, your stage 2 project’s total costs must be between £15,000 and £100,000.
Ineligible Projects
Projects will not be considered if they are:
- Not measurement or analysis problems
- Resolvable with easily available methods, such as those not requiring innovative or cutting-edge science or facilities
- Solely computer software analysis problems, such as algorithms to analyze objects
- Not related to a company’s existing processes, products, or services owned or used by the company
In the stage 2 competition, they will not fund projects that:
- Are involved with primary production in fishery and aquaculture
- Are involved with primary production in agriculture
- Relate to the purchase of road freight transport
- Are not allowed under De minimis regulation restrictions
- Are not eligible to receive Minimal Financial Assistance
- Depend on export performance, e.g., awarding a baker based on exporting a certain quantity of bread
- Depend on domestic inputs usage, e.g., requiring a baker to use 50% UK flour in their product
Who Can Apply?
Your project must:
- Meet the A4I problem scope requirements
- Relate to work being undertaken in the UK
- Intend to exploit the results from or in the UK
- Involve at least one of the A4I partner organisations
- Indicate a stage 2 project duration of between three and six months
Lead Organisation: To apply, your organisation must be a UK registered business of any size.
Number of Applications: A business of any size may submit only one application to this competition.
This competition will not fund or provide financial benefits to any individual or entities involved with you that could expose Innovate UK or its beneficiaries to UK Sanctions. This includes procurement, commercial, business development, or supply chain activities with entities from sanctioned countries, administrations, or terrorist groups.
Use of Animals in Research and Innovation
Innovate UK expects adherence to best practices for animal welfare in research and innovation. All proposed work involving animals must comply with UKRI guidance on animal use, with additional information on welfare and ethical considerations required for projects involving animals.
For more information, visit Gov.UK.
Donor Name: Innovate UK
Grant Size: £15,000 to £100,000
Publish Date: September 9, 2024
Deadline Date: October 9, 2024
Country: United Kingdom