Deadline Date
October 21, 2024
Donor Name
Darwin Initiative
Grant Size
$100,000 to $500,000
Darwin Initiative Capability & Capacity Grants (Round 31)
The Darwin Initiative is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Capability & Capacity Grants. These grants focus on developing the capability and capacity of local and national organisations to effectively deliver biodiversity conservation and multidimensional poverty reduction impact.
Elements of Successful Projects:
- Delivering outputs that achieve both biodiversity conservation and multidimensional poverty reduction.
- Enhancing the capability and capacity of national and local partners and stakeholders to ensure long-term legacy.
- Strengthening, promoting, and using evidence to inform and scale action.
- Implementing a novel or significantly improved approach.
- Developing scalable approaches with potential for greater impact.
Funding Information:
- Grants range from £50,000 to £200,000.
- Project duration: 1 to 2 years maximum, starting on or after April 1, 2025 (but before September 30, 2025), and completing by March 31, 2027.
Scoring Criteria:
- Technical
- Capability & Capacity
The capability and capacity building approach must be formulated and justified with evidence in the application. Activities can include structured training, fellowships, work placements, mentoring, organisational development, and network-building. Structured training elements must support locally based future and existing environmental leaders and staff of identified local/national organisations, ideally building lasting positive relationships between participants and improving their ability to draw on professional and technical expertise relevant to delivering projects.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applications must be made by the Lead Organisation, not an individual, agreeing to manage the grant, its finances, reporting, and governance. Foreign governments and their agencies cannot be Lead Organisations, though they can be partners. UK government agencies can be Lead Organisations or partners.
- Lead Organisations can be based anywhere, but in-country Lead Organisations are encouraged.
- The maximum annual value of funds requested should not exceed 25% of the Lead Organisation’s average annual turnover/income for the previous 3 years.
- All projects must be led by or partner with local/national organisations of the country/ies in which it is based, with meaningful and early engagement of in-country stakeholders.
- Projects must promote economic development and welfare in eligible countries as a primary objective. Darwin Initiative is mostly focused on Low Income and Lower Middle-Income countries, with at least 70% of funding allocated to these countries. Upper Middle-Income countries (UMICs) are eligible if they demonstrate a strong case for support.
- UMIC applications must demonstrate that they will advance knowledge and impact in Least Developed or Low-Income Countries, contribute to a global public good, or make significant advancements on a critical issue due to specific circumstances in the UMIC.
For more information, visit Darwin Initiative.