CFAs: Japan-Related Research Projects Grants 2024
The Sumitomo Foundation is now accepting applications for its Japan-Related Research Projects Grants. This initiative aims to enhance mutual understanding between Asian countries and Japan by supporting research in the social sciences or humanities that is related to Japan.
Category: Grant
Funding Information
Budget Total: JPY 50 million
Grant Amount for Each Project: Maximum JPY 2.0 million (approximately USD 10,000)
Grant Period: One year (April 2025 through March 2026), with the possibility of extension to a maximum of two years if required, subject to approval by The Sumitomo Foundation.
Eligible Projects
The grants support any research project related to Japan, particularly in the fields of social sciences or humanities.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be a researcher of Asian (non-Japanese) nationality
- Be residing outside Japan during the grant period. (Applicants planning to stay in Japan for more than six months during the grant period as a student, visiting professor, etc., should not apply.)
- Take personal responsibility for conducting the proposed research project.
Application Highlights
- Donor Name: The Sumitomo Foundation
- Grant Size: $1,000 to $10,000
- Source URL:
- Publish Date: 03-Sept-2024 12:00 am
- Deadline Date: 31-Oct-2024 12:00 am
For more information and to apply, visit the Sumitomo Foundation website.
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