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Call for Proposals: Strengthening Social Mobilization, Rights & Quality of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Program (Guinea)

Community and health workers in Guinea working together to improve access to sexual and reproductive health services and manage gender-based violence, highlighting collaboration and capacity building.

Enabel in the Republic of Guinea is launching a call for proposals to strengthen social mobilization and improve the access and quality of sexual and reproductive health services, including the management of gender-based violence (GBV), in the Kindia and Mamou regions. This initiative is financed by the Women's Health and Empowerment project - SAFE within the Belgium-Guinea Cooperation Program.


The general objective is to strengthen the economic, social, and environmental resilience of vulnerable populations, particularly young people and women, and enable human development in Guinea. The specific objectives are:

  • Reduce barriers to women's empowerment and access to sexual and reproductive services through community mobilization. This includes supporting communities in changing social norms and strengthening the capacities of social actors and media on gender equality, GBV, SRH, and gender-sensitive content.
  • Improve access to and quality of sexual and reproductive health services in the Mamou region, including the management of GBV through a holistic approach integrating medical, psychological, legal, and social services.

Funding Information

The overall indicative amount available under this call for proposals is EUR 1,123,500. Requests for subsidies must be between:

  • Minimum Amount: EUR 1,000,000
  • Maximum Amount: EUR 1,123,500

Target Groups

  • Health centres and hospitals
  • Dubreka One-Stop Shop
  • Health workers and authorities
  • Regional inspection teams of Mamou and prefectural directorates of Mamou and Dalaba
  • Regional Inspection of the MPFEPV of Kindia and Mamou
  • Local authorities and community leaders


The initial planned duration of an action cannot exceed 30 months, including a 3-month closing period.

Geographic Coverage

Actions must be implemented in Guinea, specifically in the Kindia regions (Dubreka and Kindia prefectures) and Mamou (Mamou & Dalaba prefectures).

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be a legal person and a private non-profit actor or a national or international foundation.
  • Be established or represented in Guinea.
  • Have managed at least one project worth at least EUR 500,000 in the last 5 years.
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with co-applicant(s) and not act as an intermediary.

Co-applicants must also:

  • Be a legal entity and a private non-profit actor or foundation.
  • Be established in Guinea.
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the applicant and other co-applicants.

Application Details

The deadline for proposals is 07-Oct-2024. For more information, visit Enabel's official website.

Donor Name: Enabel

Grant Size: More than $1 million

Publish Date: 10-Sept-2024

Deadline Date: 07-Oct-2024

Country: Guinea

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