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Biomedical Catalyst: Industry-led R&D Funding Call (UK)

Biomedical Catalyst: Industry-led R&D Funding Call (UK)

Innovative healthcare solutions and research development, showcasing UK SMEs working on advanced therapies, diagnostics, and digital health technologies.

Innovate UK is seeking applications from UK-registered SMEs to apply for a share of up to £15 million to develop innovative solutions to health and healthcare challenges.


Category: Grant


The aim of this industry-led R&D competition is to support SMEs in developing innovative solutions to address various health and healthcare challenges.

Focus Areas

Your project can focus on:

  • Disease prevention and proactive management of health and chronic conditions
  • Earlier and better detection and diagnosis of disease, leading to better patient outcomes
  • Tailored treatments that either change the underlying disease or offer potential cures
  • Transforming the delivery of healthcare
  • The development of digital health technologies
  • Consumer-focused self-care

Specific Themes

Your project can focus on any health or healthcare sector or discipline, including:

  • Advanced therapies (including gene and cell therapies)
  • Biosciences
  • Preclinical technologies and drug target discovery
  • Therapeutic and medicine development
  • Diagnostics
  • Medical technology and devices
  • Precision medicine
  • Digital health
  • Independent living

Funding Information

Up to £15 million is allocated for innovation projects in this competition. Funding will be provided as a grant. The project’s total costs must be between £150,000 and £4 million, with a grant request not exceeding £2 million.

Who Can Apply?

Project Requirements:

  • Total project costs must be between £150,000 and £4 million
  • Grant request cannot exceed £2 million
  • At least 50% of the total project costs must be shared by SMEs, if collaborative
  • Project duration must be between 6 months and 36 months
  • All project work must be carried out in the UK
  • Results must be exploited from or in the UK
  • Project must start by 1 May 2025 and end by 30 September 2028

Lead Organisation:

To lead a project or work alone, your organisation must be a micro, small, or medium-sized enterprise (SME). Academic institutions cannot lead or work alone.

Project Team:

Collaborators can include:

  • Business of any size
  • Academic institutions
  • Charities
  • Not-for-profit organisations
  • Public sector organisations
  • Research and technology organisations (RTOs)

Non-funded Partners:

Your project can include partners that do not receive funding from this competition, such as non-UK businesses. Their costs will count towards the total eligible project costs.


Subcontractors are allowed and can be from anywhere in the UK. Overseas subcontractors may be used only if justified with detailed rationale and evidence of potential UK contractors. All subcontractor costs must be appropriate and justified.

Application Details

For more information and to apply, visit Innovate UK.

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