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Applications Open for Strategic Priority Grants (New Zealand)

A vibrant community scene showing diverse individuals engaged in creative, sustainable, and safe activities, representing the goals of the Palmerston North City Council’s Strategic Priority Grants for community-led projects and initiatives.

The Palmerston North City Council is now accepting applications for the Strategic Priority Grants, which aim to encourage community leadership in solving local challenges.


Funding needs to align with the following outcomes:

Goal 2: A Creative and Exciting City

  • A vibrant city that connects people, with creativity integrated into the cityscape.
  • A well-supported and invested arts community and cultural facilities.
  • Preservation and promotion of unique heritage.
  • Opportunities to celebrate diverse cultures.
  • Access to exciting, well-managed events and activities throughout the city and neighborhoods.
  • Places across the city and neighborhoods for community play and recreation.

Goal 3: A Connected and Safe Community

  • Access to inclusive and appropriate services and facilities.
  • Support for healthy living.
  • Healthy and affordable housing.
  • Opportunities to contribute to city design.
  • Safe and accessible community places.
  • Well-supported community social service groups and facilities.

Goal 4: A Sustainable and Resilient City

  • Access to information and education for sustainable choices.
  • A sustainable, low-emissions city.
  • A circular economy with more resource recovery and less waste.
  • A healthy ecosystem, including native biodiversity and food security.
  • The Manawatū River and waterways restored to a healthy and connected state.
  • Sustainable urban planning with a low carbon-built environment.
  • Well-supported natural environment-focused community groups and facilities.


The Strategic Priority Grants provide three years of funding for community-led projects, activities, or services, starting from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2028.

Eligibility Criteria

Applications are open to not-for-profit organisations operating in Palmerston North. Social enterprises can also apply, provided they demonstrate a social, cultural, or environmental purpose and that all profits are reinvested in fulfilling that purpose.

Strategic Priority Grants are not available to political parties, commercial entities, local government bodies, government agencies, or other public sector entities.

Fundable costs include:

  • Salaries
  • Administration and office expenses
  • Rent and utilities
  • Promotion and materials

Ineligibility Criteria

Funding will not be provided for:

  • Debt servicing or repayment
  • Legal expenses
  • Activities promoting religious ministry or political purposes
  • Medical expenses
  • Public services that are the responsibility of central government (e.g., core education, primary health care)
  • Physical works

Application Deadline

4 November 2024

For more information, visit the Palmerston North City Council Community Funding page.

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